Training Course Agreement, Waiver, and NDA

I understand that when I choose the Gentle Somatic Yoga (here on out abbreviated as GSY) Certification option and pass the requirements, that I am fully endorsed as a GSY Practitioner/Teacher and can use all copyrighted registered materials, including logos, to help promote my offerings.

I understand that I if I choose to decline signing up for the certification option, I cannot promote myself as a Gentle Somatic Yoga Teacher. However, for marketing purposes I can list my events as "Gentle Somatic Yoga inspired"

I understand that the Certificate of Completion is NOT a GSY Practitioner Certificate. The first one acknowledges that you completed the course. The latter one endorses that you have passed all of the requirements and are now a Certified Practitioner.


I understand the program sessions in this training will be recorded and that my likeness may be used in video clips for future GSY educational and promotional materials.

I understand if I do NOT want to be seen on video, that I can turn off my video so that my likeness is not used.


I understand that all GSY program materials, including but not limited to, Somatic Movement Flow and supplementary video handouts, are proprietary, copyrighted and registered to Gentle Somatic Yoga and Somatic Wellness.

I agree that I will not share, duplicate, download or use for my financial gain any and all course, class and workshop materials.

I agree not to disclose confidential and proprietary information that GSY has shared with me with any other parties or institutions.

On behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, successors, administers and any other person who may have an interest at common law or by operation of statute, I hereby waive any and all claims I or such parties may have now or in the future.


I am medically, physically, emotionally and in all respects fit and able to participate in this event. I have no medical requirement or condition except what I have outlined in the medical section of this event's Registration Form (separate copy).

I acknowledge that James Knight, GSY Faculty Teachers or his Assistants, may make suggestions from time to time that are intended to help me and my well-being. However, I take ultimate responsibility for my choices and realize that the Gentle Somatic Yoga staff are not acting as professionally-licensed health care providers and that I am responsible for consulting with my personal medical physician or health care provider.

If I experience pain or discomfort during the event, I will communicate to the event facilitator(s) instructions to suit my individual needs. I will not hold Gentle Somatic Yoga responsible for any pain or discomfort I experience during or after the class.

I understand that the activities offered in this class are not a substitute for medical care. I understand that Gentle Somatic Yoga staff are not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments, nor diagnose, prescribe, or treat physical or mental illness.

Thank you for submitting your agreement. We understand that there can be concerns even when you sign an agreement, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any issues at
Submit my signed agreement